About Me

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'Unless one has a glimpse of the spiritual within , humans will always be clamoring for material things’- Ranjit Makkuni------------------- In this fast paced life with an influx of rapid audio visual bombardments, high aspirations,endless choices, healing for self and the planet can come through stopping and resting in the silence of present moment.............. Moksha is.... space to dissolve ignorance through knowledge, ‘I’ through experience, to touch the underlying timeless dimension present in all things. Moksha is envisioned as a space of sharing of experiences and knowledge from the travels through life, to trigger reflection, evoke inner journeys and contribute to a green, more sensitive living. Features, verses, anecdotes, sacred knowledge and wisdom drawn from across the world from any and everywhere ..... Nature, spiritual systems , arts, textiles, clothing, music,dance,learning methods.....also, stories of love,hope and humanity in real life. Moksha strives to value, preserve and grow all that reclaims the beautiful experience that being alive is. Moksha is a celebration of life in all it's flavours........ Ritu Jain..... ©2010 Ritu Jain

Monday, November 21, 2011


A girl
a woman
a daughter
a sister
a mother
a wife
a friend
a colleague
combing her hair
tirelessly, silently
to make a space for herself
without losing herself
without altering herself
open and vulnerable
she walks
to allow all to see her
to permeate her being
to know her as she is
and in knowing
to know them selves reflected in turn
to accept her as she is
in turn to cleanse their own being
walking nude, so all may see their nudity
know the strength, the humility
the vulnerability, the pride
of being as creation made her to be
cosmic mother